The Waikiki Wanderer has been slowly but surely building up a nice weekly readership, something we greatly appreciate.
Unfortunately, we must disappoint our loyal readers by announcing the discontinuation of this blog after only five months of publication. A sudden, unexpected and serious health issue prevents walking the streets on a daily basis in search of stories and photos. This makes further publication impossible, at least for the foreseeable future. This leaves Waikiki again without a full-time, dedicated blog.
However, we've noted that the most popular columns by a very large margin have been the restaurant reviews. As we're still able to do these, we'll be launching a new column called "Oahu Dining Info" which will be found at We hope you'll drop by, beginning later in 2011 or early in 2012.
Check out for a new Waikiki blog site.
Waikiki After Dark, despite the name, is a non-commercial effort and we hope it succeeds.
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